Brands Report 2025: Cognac
It may be suffering something of a slump when it comes to cocktail menus, but cognac still has presence in the world’s best bars.
Brands Report 2025: Vodka
There’s no change in the top three, but the lower echelons see some shifts and a new entry.
Brands Report 2025: Scotch whisky
Scotch doesn’t feature too often on cocktail lists but that’s no reason for cocktail bars to not find a use for it. Its most ardent fans would consider mixing the stuff sacrilege, but there are a number of classics that call for it.
Brands Report 2022: Mixers
Listening to the demands of bartenders, premium mixer brands have become increasingly experimental with their flavour combinations. To reflect this greater variety, the tonic water table of previous reports has been broadened to encompass all mixer brands.
Brands Report 2022: Beer
High-end bars rarely allocate bar-top space to draught systems, meaning the bestselling list is a battle of the bottles.
Brands Report 2022: Tequila
The glow up that the tequila category has undergone in recent years must be the envy of the wider spirit world.
Brands Report 2022: Pisco
Barsol reigns supreme in the pisco category. The Peruvian brand took a whopping 31% of the first-choice votes and 23% of the top-three pours in the World’s Best Bars.
Brands Report 2022: Cognac
No brand has had a more dominant performance over the 13 years of the Brands Report than that of Hennessy.
Brands Report 2022: World Whiskies
Suntory has ended Nikka’s six-year reign as the most popular world whisky in the Brands Report.
Brands Report 2022: Vodka
Just as Ketel One was on the precipice of completing the perfect 10, in swoops Grey Goose to snatch the vodka crown.
Brands Report: Scotch Whisky
The previously unassailable Johnnie Walker could be showing signs of weakness, finds Hamish Smith
Brands Report: Irish Whiskey
The growing Irish Whiskey category gets its first page to itself this year. Hamish Smith explains why